A typical inspection takes approximately 2-3 hours. It can be longer depending on the size of the house and other factors. During the inspection, a number of different areas get checked including the foundation, electrical system, central heat and air system, plumbing system, walls, ceilings, windows, doors, roofing system, appliances, and much more.
We can perform the inspection within a reasonably short time frame from the time of call. The inspection report will be available the same evening that the inspection is performed. This is to ensure that the buyer will have the most time possible during the option period to determine the best course of action. Pictures will be included in the report to help make the report easier to understand. Weekend inspections can be scheduled should that best fit your needs. Once the inspection is completed, we will go through every aspect of the report with you. We will explain our findings in a way to make sure that you fully understand what is being presented. Keep in mind that during this process it will feel like an overabundance of information. Buyers should understand that whether the house is brand new or 80 years old, there will be multiple items that are found in the home. There is no perfect house. Every house has some imperfections. Most buyers have a hard time retaining all of the information that is presented during the walk through. This is due to the amount of information that is being presented all at once. Take a deep breath and relax. The reason that we go through this is so that when you get a copy of the inspection report, many of those items will be much easier to understand. Inspection reports can be up to 25-30 pages long, so having done the walk through prior to getting the report helps to ensure that you fully understand everything being presented to you. Even after getting the inspection report, if you still are unclear on any of the items, we are available anytime to answer any questions that you may have.
The pricing of inspections varies based on a number of different factors. The type of foundation, square footage, number of central heat and air units, location and other factors help determine the price. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Payment is due at the time of inspection, except for new home phased inspections. New home phased inspections are invoiced in two stages. The first payment point is after phase 2. The second payment point is at the completion of the final inspection. For pricing information on a particular property, please call (469) 682-0341.
The Texas Real Estate Commission has a set Standards of Practice that lays out exactly what inspectors are to report on in any house. If you would like to learn more about the Standards of Practice that all licensed inspectors must follow, visit TREC’s website at http://www.trec.state.tx.us and go to the inspector information section.